Answers For Costwise Car Hire

Answers and detail explain for Costwise Car Hire


1. 743002
2. international
3. 6.45 AM | 06.45 | 6:45 | 6:45 AM
4. thirty | 30
5. echo
6. credit card
7. seven days | 7 days | one week | 1 week | a week
8. 1000 | a thousand | one thousand | 1 thousand
9. his luggage | the luggage
10. pavement


Costwise Car Hire


Woman: Hello, how can I help you?

Man: Hi. I'm Carlton Mackay, and you booked me some flights recently, to Australia - and some internal ones?

Woman: Oh, yes, Mr Mackay, I remember you now, of course.

Man: Well, I find I'm going to need car hire while I'm in Sydney after all. I think you said you could recommend a good-value company?

Woman: Yes, that's right. Costwise Cars. They're very good and don't charge lots of extras. They have three offices in the Sydney area, including one office right at the airport.

Man: So, I'll just book it online?

Woman: Yes, you can book online but you should have their phone number too, just in case.

Man: Mm, of course.

Woman: That's 1800 705 639. 1It's on the website. And you can get a discount if you quote your booking reference from us.

Man: 1Oh, what's that?

Woman: 1I mean the one you got from me when we booked your flights. I have it here - 743002 .

Man: Oh, thanks. I guess I've got it at home, but I'll write it down again in case. A discount is good. So where exactly is the office? I'll be coming to the domestic terminal from Melbourne.

Woman: 2It's immediately outside the international terminal.

Man: OK. And, another thing I want to check is, will they be open when I arrive? Or is it just office hours?

Woman: 3Mm ... they open at quarter to seven and close at 6.15 in the evening. So, let's see, you're due to land at ten past six. By the time you've collected your bags and so on, which will take a little while, they won't be open, but if you arrange it in advance, 4they can wait for you. You do have to pay an extra $30 for that, though.

Man: OK. Well, I'm staying near the airport the first night, so I could go back in the morning and save a day's hire?

Woman: Yes, that'd be better. That'd save you about $50.

Man: Do you know what kind of cars they have?

Woman: 5Quite a variety, I think. Er, the best value should be under $60 a day with luck. That would be the 'Echo'. I guess.

Man: Sorry?

Woman: E-C-H-O, like when your voice bounces back?

Man: I suppose I have to book online before I leave?

Woman: Mm, that's the best way. Er, they won't deduct any charges until you finish with the car, 6but they do need your credit card number when you book and of course they'll want to see your driving licence when you collect. How long will you need it?

Man: 7I'm in Sydney for seven days. I'll only actually need to use it on three or four of those days. I hope, but I'll keep it for the whole week. I guess it's going to be a few hundred dollars. Can you suggest anything I can do to keep the cost down?

Woman: 8Oh, you get quite a big discount if you do less than 1,000 kilometres in the week.

Man: Oh, that's good. I don't suppose I will be driving that far, actually.

Woman: But, oh, yes, the other thing I should mention is the insurance. It's included in the price.

Man: Oh, that is good value then.

Woman: 9Yes, but what you must remember is that it doesn't cover anything except the car, so you must be careful not to leave anything at all in it when you park because your luggage isn't insured, even if it's out of sight, locked in the boot.

Man: Yeah, well, I think my travel policy will cover that actually.

Woman: Good!

Man: OK. And can I return the car outside office hours? My flight home is very early in the morning. Can I put the keys through the door, or something?

Woman: 10There's a secure box just outside the office on the pavement. You just drop the keys in there.

Man: Oh, good.

Woman: And one other thing: you should remember to buy petrol before you leave it. If you don't drop the car back with a full tank you get charged to fill it. I recommend you go to a supermarket before you go out to the airport.

Man: Thanks for the tip!

Woman: Not at all. Do call in again if there's anything else I can help with.

Man: I will. Many thanks

Questions 1 - 10:

Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Costwise Car Hire

  • Number of offices in Sydney: 3
  • Booking reference number: 1 (743002)
  • Office just by 2 (international) terminal. 
  • Opening hours: 3 (6.45 AM | 06.45 | 6:45 | 6:45 AM) to 6.15 PM 
  • After-hours charge: $ 4 (thirty | 30)
  • Cheapest model of car available: 5 (echo)
  • Information needed when booking:6 (credit card) number.
  • Length of hire period: 7 (seven days | 7 days | one week | 1 week | a week)
  • Reduce cost by driving under 8 (1000 | a thousand | one thousand | 1 thousand) km per week. 
  • Insurance does not cover: 9 (his luggage | the luggage)
  • After hours put keys in box near the office on the 10 (pavement)